Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 200)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 200)
However, the main fact which emerges from these data is that
small scale farming is the predominant form of farming
system. This small scale farming makes economic sense as a
form of high intermediate technology, irrigated and tabour
intensive farming. The general feature of this farming system
is that it is much smaller in size than the normal farm size
in Palestine during the Mandate period, which in any case
was normally based on rain-fed agricultural production. The
general feature of the farming system in the north Jordan
Valley is that it is small-scale intense farming geared up to
the production of vegetable crops for a developed commodity
market. The agriculturalists in this region are first and
foremost producers of exchange value where the money obtained
is utilised to meet rental payments and to purchase the
necessary household consumption requirements. These peasants
largely live and work in a social formation where wage labour
relations predominate over all other forms of economic
activity and thus it would be mistaken to assume that in the
event of a severe agricultural crisis they could revert back
easily to simple forms of household subsistence production.
Subsistence production i8 now a secondary aspect of their
production related activities and in times of crisis, such as
periods of market gluts and natural catastrophes, this
subsistence side of agricultural activities can help the
peasantry to cushion the worst impact of these crises.
However, in the final analysis, subsistence production cannot
constitute an alternative to highly specialised and
commoditised agricultural production. The logic of the
landholding situation is geared to intense agricultural
186 f ,
Alex Pollock


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