Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 202)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 202)
consolidated holdings. There are not, however, large
statistical differences between the different landholding
classes in terms of the degree of parcelization, since half
of both smallholders and cash tenants, two-fifths of
sharecroppers and three-fifths of farming-shepherds work
parcelized plots. The figure for farming-shepherds is
exceptional in relative terms, but in absolute terms this
group only constitutes 4% of those with parcelized plots) of
Table Zi: Lanohoiding By Land Parcelization
Landholding Category
Land Row
Dispersion Share- Shepherd Casn Small- Total
cropper Tenant holder
Farceiled ié7 10 ea 48 247
Adjacent 229 5 ae 46. 6
Not Ascert. is 2 H i 17
Coiumn Total 409 17 45 95 364
The actual number of land parcels ranges from 1 to 19,
although only 0.2% of the population has 19 parcels) and
indeed only 3% of the farming population farms on more than 5
parcels of land (see Table 32). After the fully consolidated
landholding, two parcels are the most common form of
parcelized holding, with 15% of sharecroppers, 35% of
farming—shepherds, 29% of cash tenants) and 28% of
smallholders farming on two separate parcels of land.
Farming on three or more plots is not unknown and indeed it
188 | vb ,
Alex Pollock


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