Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 214)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 214)
dependent upon the pre-existence of markets where they can
sell the commodities they produce and purchase other
commodities (both personal and productive commodities) which
they do not produce. This circuit of simple commodity
production can be formally represented as:
where, C -—-M represents the act of selling commodities (C)
for a sum of money (M), and the final part of the circuit M -
C' represents the outlaying of a sum of money (M) for a
bundle of commodities (C'). This is the formal outline of the
circuit of simple commodity production, where the producer is
concerned to exchange the commodities s/he produces in order
to obtain money to purchase another package of commodities
which s/he does not produce but which are necessary for both
her/his personal and productive consumption. The extended
circuit of simple commodity production can be formally
represented, thus:
P...C - M- C'...Cn,
where, P...C represents the production of commodities and Cn
equals the total bundle of commodities purchased.
The generalisation and reproduction of simple commodity
production requires the development of the circuit of
commercial capital as a necessary condition of social
reproduction, i.e. the existence of commodity markets where
commodities can be bought and sold. The circuit of commercial
capital is a sphere of economic activity in which merchants
act as intermediaries between different consumers and
producers. The circuit of commercial capital can be formally
UP, 200
Alex Pollock


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