Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 217)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 217)
Buying price and selling price would be equal and
the merchant would make no profit. For any profit
to be made one transaction, at least, must take
place at a price not equal to value. This is not
simply an imperative for the individual merchant,
nor an occasional requirement that can be
satisfied by the odd crooked deal - unequal
exchange 1S a general condition for the existence
of merchant capital as a whole. (2)
Thus, for merchant capital to achieve profit and sustain the
general strategic aim of capital accumulation it must engage
in unequal exchange between producers and consumers. This
profit from unequal exchange finds its essential foundation
in the sphere of production in the form of the unremitted
product of labour, i.e. it 1s part of the surplus product or
surplus labour which is appropriated by merchant capital
through the function of market exchange and trade. Merchant
capita] pursues its strategy of capital accumulation through
the circulation of commodities and not their production per
The third element involved in the circulation of commodities
is the circuit of interest bearing capital. Interest bearing
capital or usurer's' capital, like merchant capital, is
dependent upon the circulation of commodities. Interest
bearing capital is one further means of appropriating part of
the surplus product or surplus labour of peasant simple
commodity producers. Interest bearing capital is really a
variation of the circuit of commercial capital. The
difference being that interest bearing capital deals in only
one commodity: money. Money is not a commodity which is
produced but is instead a formal means of exchange. Moreover,
203 Ue,
Alex Pollock


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