Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 220)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 220)
to the sphere of circulation but may well enter into’ the
sphere of production itself. It is Roseberry's contention
that interest bearing capital can stand ina distinct social
relation of production in the context of peasant forms of
non-capitalist production, since:
Where interest is the primary method of extracting
surplus product from the direct producers, the
usurer has imperfect control over production, not
unlike the control exercised by the landlord who
rents out a portion of his land. In both cases, the
producer is identified with the means of
production, and in both cases, control of these
means is not, precisely speaking, the producers’.
In other words, the producer has not been separated
from the means of production, but these means have
been alienated from him to a certain extent.
Moreover, this alienation may lead to separation if
the creditor forecloses or if the landlord
expropriates. (3)
In other words, interest bearing capital does not exercise
real control or ownership of the labour process and thus no
actual real subsumption of the labour process to the logic of
capital, rather the labour process becomes formally subsumed
and tied to merchant/interest bearing capital although the
logic of production is still that based on simple commodity
In the previous section I attempted to clarify ina fairly
formal and abstract manner the way in which the circuits of
merchant and usurer capital interact with the circuit of
simple commodity production. However, in order to supplement
this abstract analysis we need to specify another concept
Alex Pollock


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