Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 221)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 221)
which leads us towards a more concrete understanding of how
the mechanisms of formal subsumption interact at the more
concrete level of social agency. The concept which helps us
to understand this interaction is the concept of
commoditisation. Commoditisation iS a concept with dual
aspects; on the one hand, relations of personal commodity
consumption, and, on the other, relations of productive
commodity consumption.
In the north Jordan Valley it 1s now almost completely
generalised that all forms of non-capitalist agrarian
enterprises are engaged in simple commodity production,
through which peasant households produce the most significant
portion of their agricultural produce for market exchange and
also utilise a smaller portion of their produce for household
subsistence consumption. The contemporary situation in the
Jordan Valley is based on the fact that all peasant producers
are engaged in an economic market situation dominated by the
capitalist circulation process and to which they are
interlinked as "independent" producers of agricultural
Once simple commodity production becomes generalised, it
almost inevitably results in commodity specialisation as the
production process comes under the sway of market forces,
Since it is only through specialisation, particularly on the
part of smaller farmers, that limited economies of scale can
be achieved. The form of specialisation in the north Jordan
Valley is wholly limited to vegetable crop production,
Lf. 207
Alex Pollock


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