Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 224)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 224)
produced commodities. (5)
The last two elements in the constitution of the "squeeze",
the application of rural development schemes which
substantially increase productive commodity consumption costs
and the advent of deleterious terms of trade, clearly applies
to the case of peasant indebtedness in the Jordan Valley.
However, the simple reproduction squeeze should further be
viewed as the conjunctural impact of drip irrigation and HYV
technology in leading to market saturation of peasant
produced commodities in conjunction with intensified levels
of unequal exchange onthe peasantry by merchant/usurer
In his study of Zbeidat, Salim Tamari identifies four modes
of marketing open to peasant households. (6) These are
through, (i) direct sales to retailers and the public, (ii)
crop-leasing (daman mahsul) to merchants who estimate the
potential crop yield of a planted field before the harvest
period and make the farmer a cash offer for it which is paid
immediately, (iii) direct export through agents to Jordan,
and, (iv) direct auction sales in the regional wholesale
fruit and vegetable markets through commission agents.
First, direct sales by peasant households to fruit and
vegetable retailers were minimal and only four farmers
claimed to sell directly to retail outlets. Such sales
210 ve,
Alex Pollock


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