Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 226)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 226)
and thus the normal interplay of supply and demand drove
crop-leasers from the market in search of safer ventures. A
second, and not necessarily unrelated, aspect is the fact
that the major crop-—leasers were Israeli and Israeli-Arabs
who sold the crop they leased across the "Green Line" (i.e.
inside Israel itself). Such economic trade, while legally
permissible for a variety of agricultural commodities
produced in the West Bank and Gaza, is legally proscribed by
military orders for the exportation of tomatoes, the main
crop of the region. (7) Israeli merchants undertaking such
ventures were liable to have their merchandise and transport
impounded and even confiscated if caught illegally
“exporting” agricultural commodities from the West Bank. At
the beginning of the 1980's much more stringent effort was
exerted by the Israeli authorities in attempting to curb
these illegal exporting ventures. During this time an
increasing number of merchants were caught and prosecuted.
Thus, for a combination of these two reasons. crop-—leasing
came to an almost complete halt by 1983-84. Although’ the
nature of the drive for capital accumulation and quick
profits being what it is, some people, mainly very small
operators, are still prepared to take the risks but the
practice is certainly no longer widespread.
It is difficult to find accurate figures on just how
widespread crop-—leasing was, but Tamari has suggested that:
Crop leasing is done only for a portion of the
fields, usually one dunum at a time, as the farmer
always hopes to get a better price by marketing his
crops in the hisbeh. (8)
Alex Pollock


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