Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 230)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 230)
Although the export market is open and trucks can cross into
Jordan at both the Allenby and Dammia bridges, the passage of
trucks across the bridges is subject to delay. Moreover,
transport costs are high, transportation is - limited and often
farmers do not obtain their certificates of origin in time to
get their crops to Jordan before the harvest begins to go
bad. Thus, two-thirds of those farmers who exported part of
their produce to Jordan had problems in marketing (see Table
34). The most common problem was that transportation costs
were seen to be excessively high. The cost of transportation,
including the certificates for the driver and truck, is 180
dinars (approximately US$540) for a journey of 90-100
kilometres. Moreover, trucks for transportation over the
bridges were in short supply, since the number of trucks
allowed to pass over the bridges between the West Bank and
Jordan are limited in number and have to be. specially
stripped down so that they can be easily screened and checked
for the smuggling of arms and explosives; all wheels and
engine parts are sealed, the chassis and interior is
completely stripped and the petrol tank is open. A tenth of
farmers said that limited availability of transport was 4
major export marketing problem. Only 3% found that delays at
the bridge itself constituted a problem. A further 18% gave
other problems with marketing. Only a quarter of farmers
claimed that they did not have any problems in marketing. All
agrarian classes were equally subject to these problems) and
there were no significant differences between the different
modes of production in this respect.
- F216
Alex Pollock


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