Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 232)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 232)
faple 35: Do You ray Loubsie Commission when You Market Your Crops in
Jordan oy Aqrarian wiass?
Doubie snare- shecnera Casn Sma i- Farming Tota
Commssn. crooper tenant noider Landlord
Yes 244 7 24 rae 7 307
No z6 2 = 1S 1 46
Uther a 1 1 4 1 41
No Exports 22 45 9 a1 2 2d
Not asc. fold - 8 26 3 108
a —
Total $05 59 44 iG3 14 625
The larger West Bank merchants also have offices in Amman
(the Jordanian capital) where they conduct business through
family networks. In most cases there is no economic necessity
for double commission, it 1s merely using power invested
through their monopoly over transportation and knowledge of
East Bank markets. An important point which should be borne
in mind is the fact that the export market is not an
alternative to marketing through commission agents, since the
export market is largely controlled by merchants on the West
Bank and this is particularly true of exports from the north
Jordan Valley.
In the past few years there have been increasing problems of
marketing in Jordan as vested interests on the East Bank have
attempted to limit and even prevent the penetration of the
Jordanian market by an influx of agricultural commodities
from the West Bank which can result in a reduction of the
profits of Jordanian merchants and farmers. (11)
218 UF.
Alex Pollock


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