Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 235)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 235)
two largest commission agents, Jawad Rizq al Masri and Abu
Shammat, both based in the Nablus Hisbeh, were the agents for
over a third of the peasant farm population. The breakdown of
Table 2/7: Name st Commission Agent oy Agrarian Class

Name Share- Shepnerd Cash Small- Farmina~ Total
cropper tenant nolder iandlord
Abu ai Walid 3 - - - - cs
Raja Abu Atiyeh 2 - - - - 2
Gnazi Adu Hantash 21 1 1 1 1 ou
Abu Hassem Tiuoassi 6 ~ 2 - - 8
Abu Hisham 1 - - i ~ =
Abu Shammat 42 1 a 3 z Sl
Khalid al Awad 15 - 2 2 - 19
Al Fahami (Jenin) 8 - - 4 - 12
Al rahami (Nablus) 3 i - - ~ 4
Jawad Rizg ai Masri 112 4 19 20 3 140
Al Shaarwi ] 1 1 4 - 7
Ibrahim ai Sheikh 2 - - ~ - z
Yehia Abdel Aziz 13 - 2 a - 18
Afif Halawen - - - 1 ~ i
Majid Yussef Jaber 10 - - - - 10
Misbah Yussef Jaber é i - i - 8
Manmud Salam Muannes 2 - - ~ - 2
Yusse?t Munammed 1 - - - - 1
Nayef ai Haj Mussa 6 - - 4 - 10
Al Hai Nasser 16 - 2 é 1 Pe
Manmud Saiameh 2 - - 1 - a
Hussein Shakaa il - = 8 - at
Rajeh Shakaa é - - = - 8
Husni Shantir 7 - 2 4 - Ls
Shawwa 1 ~ - - - 1
Abeao Suijieman 15 i & 5 i mi
Yusset Taher - - - H - 1
Other 48 S i 10 - 63
Not ascertained 23 45 - 20 4 92
Total 3B? 38 43 iO1 i4 298
this figure is that al Masri commissions the produce for more
than a quarter of the peasant population and Abu Shammat acts
for 9%. Al Masri is the most important and economically
powerful commercial agent operating in the region. It should
Alex Pollock


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