Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 240)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 240)
farm provisioning of their basic farm inputs from commission
agents than other agrarian classes. Three~quarters'7 of
sharecropping enterprises get their fertilizers, insecticides
and seeds/seedlings through commission agents.
jagie 27: boa You rurcnase Insecticides and Festicices from ctommission
Agent oy Agrarian Ciass
pee ene es ven eee _.
Insect. Share- Shepherac Cash Smali- Farming Totai
& pest. crooper teanant nolder Landlord
Yes 24i 9 oo 41 7 orc |
No 37 o 9 oo 3 iss
Other aes 1 1 4 i 40
Not asc. 44 46 1 2u 3 i19
Total 40s 59 44 103 14 625
Tabie 40: Bo You Furchase Seeas/seediingas From Commission Agent by
Borartan Class?
S5eed/ Share Sheopherg Cash Small- Farming Total
seediina cropper tenant holder landlord
Yes ood G os 40 7 a22
No 83 = 9 24 3 a2
Other 33 i 1 4 1 40
Not asc. Ja 46 z 2o a 131
Total 405 29 44 103 14 625
226 UP
Alex Pollock


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