Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 247)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 247)
level peasantry are beginning to succumb to indebtedness
brought about by what Bernstein refers to as a "simple
reproduction squeeze". As agricultural costs have risen as a
result of increased commoditisation, there has been a
concomitant deterioration in the terms of exchange of peasant
produce over the last four years. This has resulted in
Significant numbers of peasants not being able to meet their
seasonal costs at the beginning of the agricultural season.
Thus, in order to meet their seasonal provisioning and start-
up requirements, more and more peasant households have been
forced to use the informal credit facilities offered by
commission agents inthe absence of alternative agrarian
credit institutions.
There is another mechanism operating which also serves to
subordinate the peasantry and pull them into structural
indebtedness and which offsets any relative freedom on the
Part of certain groups of peasants to act as free market
individuals. This is the vertical integration of
sharecropping-landlordism with commercial/usurer capital. In
this form of integration commercial/usurer capitalists are
also the landlords of sharetenants. This results ina dual
subordination of the sharecropping mode of production at both
the level of production and the level of exchange. Thus, the
debt-—bonded sharecropping household faces economic
exploitation as a production unit and unequal exchange in its
market and credit relations. The result of this process is
233 Paar
Alex Pollock


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