Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 253)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 253)
production which results in decreasing market prices
Simultaneously with increasing and more efficient production.
This 1s where the search for new market’ outlets becomes
important as a tactical component in attempting to counter-
balance the over-production crisis. In this respect both
strategies are complementary. However, the main problem with
both is that they do not question the existing institutional
arrangements which syphon-off surplus product from peasant
producers, so that increased income from expanded production
or enlarged markets does not reach peasant producers. This
has been the general effect of economic growth strategies
throughout the Third World. Economic growth strategies which
do not include a clearly defined redistributive element have
consistently been of no benefit to the poorest peasant
producers and the case of the application of this model ona
regional basis in the north Jordan Valley is no exception to
the general rule.
The only effective solution to peasant poverty and
indebtedness in the peasant context is to establish
redistributive strategies which set out to break the
monopoly hold which merchant/usurers have over the peasantry
through their control of marketing and credit institutions.
One way forward in attempting to ensure that peasant
households receive a less unjust distribution of their
product is to promote the development of institutional
networks and organisations which provide a means for the
peasantry to obtain a larger share of the value of their
product than they receive at the present time. One of the
239 UE,
Alex Pollock


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