Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 255)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 255)
movement has not been reconstituted since the rupture brought
about by the Israeli occupation of the West Bank in 1967. The
authors are equally clear on this issue: "At present there
are no facilities for cooperative education, no auditing
union or department and no cooperative bank." (24) No
fundamental concentrated effort been put into educating
peasant farmers on the basic principles of cooperation and
Khraisheh and Ebersole found that:
In general it could be said that most members’) do
not know how cooperatives are supposed to function,
management committee members have a basic
understanding of the by-laws, and Regional Office
personnel, though well educated and experienced in
cooperatives, have no way to transmit that
knowledge. (i.e. lacking publications,
transportation and personnel). (25)
The general tenor of their report, although most probably for
"political" reasons they do not say this in so many words, is
that the JCO in the West Bank has largely been an unmitigated
failure and although agricultural "cooperatives" have been
established, very few of these operate in a manner which can
be ultimately conceived as being based on the fundamental
principles of cooperation. It is clear from their report that
many cooperatives are cooperative in name only and operate as
private business interests, a few of which are extremely
corrupt. (26) In recent years the JCO has acted as a vehicle
for the movement of funds from the Joint PLO-—Jordanian
Committee funds to the West Bank and in 1979 over 9 million
Jordanian dinars (approximately US$27 million) were made
available to the JCO. (27) However, very little of this money
has found its way into the hands of poorer peasants or
Alex Pollock


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