Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 325)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 325)
households are even more dependent upon vegetable crop
Production as 88% of their total land area is farmed with
vegetable crops, although this accounts for only 9% of the
regional total vegetable crop area. While both farming-
shepherd and smailholding households have the majority of
their aggregate agricultural land under’ vegetable crop
production this was not such a significant share of their
total landholding as it was for sharecropping and cash tenant
households, since they farmed 54% and 59% of their total
landholding with vegetable crop production, respectively.
Vegetable crop production was least important in the case of
farming-landlords where it constituted only 48% oof their
agricultural land use. However, even in this case it was the
relatively, if mot the absolutely, most important form of
land use. Thus, vegetable crop production was both the
relatively and absolutely most important form of production
and land use for all modes of production and classes, with
the single exception of farming—-landlords for whom it was
only the relatively most important type of agricultural
If we consider field crop production we find that of the
4576.5 dunums of field crops produced, 63% of this area was
farmed by sharecropping households and this accounted for
only 22% of the total area farmed by sharecroppers. Although
sharecropping households farmed more field crops than any
other agrarian class it is of less overall significance to
their land use pattern than any other agrarian class except
cash tenants, who had only 11% of their total dunumage under
Alex Pollock


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