Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 330)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 330)
so, fruit production is largeiy limited to the villages along
Wadi Fara'a (1.e. Jiftiik and Frush Bet Dajan) since these
are the only villages in the region which have access to a
sufficient quantity and good quality water for the purpose of
citrus fruit and banana production. The water supply in the
Other villages in the region comes mainly from ground-water
sources which are variably contaminated with salinity. This
saline water is unsuitable for the production of citrus and
banana plantations. Fruit production accounted for only 3% of
the agricultural land used and was thus not very important in
Table 56: Dunumage ot Fruit oy Agrarian Ciass
Frit Share- Farming~ CLasn Smail- Farming- fotai
cropper Sneonerd Tenant hoioer Landiord
_@ron 7.5 2.5 a 99 45,5 is9.5
Orance 1g ee) 7.5 146.35 70 2u4.5
Mancarin io 2.5 3 2S Led 66.5
Ciementine iG ba ao 44.95 i9.5 oé
bracetruit - - - 2.0 5 7.9
Banana - - - - 7 7
Col. total 46.3 26.5 24.5 es 149.35 Sry
the regional economy taken as a whole. In terms of the fruit
economy itself, oranges were the most important single fruit
produced and accounted for 44% of the total land area under
fruit production. Lemons were next in importance accounting
for a further 28% of the total land used for fruit
The agrarian class characteristics of fruit production were
LA. 318
Alex Pollock


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