Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 332)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 332)
constituted 32% of their aggregate farm area. Farming-—
shepherd households worked 6% of the field crop area which
constituted 28% of their aggregate farm area, farming-
landlord households worked 4% of the total field crop area
which constituted 28% of their aggregate farm area and cash
tenants farmed 4% of the total field crop area which
constituted 11% of their aggregate farm area. These figures
show that field crop production was relatively most important
in the agrarian economy of smallholders, farming-landlords
and farming-shepherds and less important, but still
relatively Significant, in the agrarian economy of
fabie S7fs Dunumage of fieic Crop Froguction by Agrarian Ciass
Fieid cron Snare- Farming- Cash omali- Farming~ Tatal
cropper Sheoherd Tenant hoider Lanciord
Corn 29 9,9 ~ 9.5 - 46
wineat o. 102.5 i79 244 oF i i52 2,969.9
Barley 625.5 52 21.5 Si 9.35 769.5
(ther 29.5 i? - te) 7 189.5
UGi. totes 21 dF6,5 257.9 65.5 1,087.5 169.5 4,576.95
sharecroppers. Field crop production was relatively least
Significant in the agrarian economy of cash tenants who
generally rent small plots of land which do not lend
themselves to the type of extended farm units which are
necessary to carry out field crop production in a commercial
S20 Lf
Alex Pollock


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