Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 340)
- عنوان
- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 340)
- المحتوى
grouping, although the majority of the other agrarian
classes, except farming-shepherds,. also produced courgettes.
The statistical mode across the different agrarian classes
remains constant at 1-4 dunums, although cash tenants
produced a larger average area of courgettes than the other
social classes, producing 5.1 dunums on average. Both
smallholders and farming-landlords produced 4.5 dunums. on
average, sharecroppers 3.6 dunums and farming-shepherds 2.8
Table 62: Numper of Dunums of Cucumbers by Aqrarian Ciass
Bunums Share- Farming- Cash Small- Farming- Total
cropper Shepherd Tenant holder Landlord
1 - 4 71 1 2 & - = 10)
5-9 &7 ~ 2 10 3 82
ig - i4 16 -. xs pa - 24
i5 - 19 j - 1 2 1 ra)
20 - 24 2 - 1 j _ 4
Not ascert. = z - - - 5
Col. tota: i160 a 9 24 4 200
The data on cucumber production show that only 32% of the
total farm population produced cucumbers. This was the fourth
most extensively produced crop in the region (see Table 63).
The crop area ranged from 1-24 dunums per farm. The most
common area of production was 5-9 dunums and the average farm
produced 6.1 dunums.
Looking at the class specific pattern of production we find
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- Alex Pollock
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