Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 340)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 340)
grouping, although the majority of the other agrarian
classes, except farming-shepherds,. also produced courgettes.
The statistical mode across the different agrarian classes
remains constant at 1-4 dunums, although cash tenants
produced a larger average area of courgettes than the other
social classes, producing 5.1 dunums on average. Both
smallholders and farming-landlords produced 4.5 dunums. on
average, sharecroppers 3.6 dunums and farming-shepherds 2.8
Table 62: Numper of Dunums of Cucumbers by Aqrarian Ciass
Bunums Share- Farming- Cash Small- Farming- Total
cropper Shepherd Tenant holder Landlord
1 - 4 71 1 2 & - = 10)
5-9 &7 ~ 2 10 3 82
ig - i4 16 -. xs pa - 24
i5 - 19 j - 1 2 1 ra)
20 - 24 2 - 1 j _ 4
Not ascert. = z - - - 5
Col. tota: i160 a 9 24 4 200
The data on cucumber production show that only 32% of the
total farm population produced cucumbers. This was the fourth
most extensively produced crop in the region (see Table 63).
The crop area ranged from 1-24 dunums per farm. The most
common area of production was 5-9 dunums and the average farm
produced 6.1 dunums.
Looking at the class specific pattern of production we find
328 UP
Alex Pollock


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