Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 341)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 341)
that 40% of sharecroppers, 5% of farming-shepherds, 20% of
cash tenants, 23% of smallholders and 29% of farming-
landlords produced cucumbers. Thus, the fourth largest area
of crop production was farmed by a minority of farmers from
all classes. The statistical mode betweeen the agrarian
classes was variable with sharecroppers and farming-shepherds
most commonly producing 1-4 dunums, smallholders and farming—-
landlords most commonly producing 5-9 dunums and cash tenants
most commonly producing 10-14 dunums. This variation was also
reflected in average production levels between the agrarian
classes with farming~-shepherds producing 2 dunums on average,
sharecroppers 5.5 dunums, smallholders 8.3 dunums, farming-
landlords 9.5 dunums and cash tenants 10.3 dunums. However,
we should be aware that the numbers of shepherds, cash
tenants and farming-landlords are getting extremely small and
so these figures cannot be taken to reflect general
The data on broad bean production show that just slightly
more than a third of farmers produced broad beans. The
statistical range of production varied between 1-34 dunums
per producer although only one farmer in each cell produced
between 15-19 and 30-34 dunums (see Table 64). The most
common holding was 1-4 dunums and the average area of
production was 5.3 dunums.
Looking at the class specific pattern of production we find
that 42% of sharecroppers, 5% of farming-shepherds, 23% of
cash tenants, 33% of smallholders and 36% of farming-—
329 - A |
Alex Pollock


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