Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 347)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 347)
any case is not part of the traditional Palestinian diet (see
Table 70). Those who produced sweet peppers most commonly
produced 1-4 dunums and average production was 3.3 dunums.
There was no large scale farming of this crop.
Only 3% of sharecroppers, 2% of farming-shepherds and cash
tenants, 3% of smallholders and surprisingly 43% of farming-
landlords produced sweet peppers. Quite clearly it is not an
important regional crop although it does appear for some
unexplained reason to be an important item of production in
the agrarian economy of farming-landlords.
The remaining vegetable crops are produced by an
insignificant number of farmers. Tables 71, 72 and 73 show
that the production of staples like potatoes, onions and
garlic are completely marginal to the regional economy, since
less than 1% of the farm population produce potatoes or
garlic and only 1% produce onions. Thus, the production of
these staples are not items of production in the schedules of
99% of farms in the region. Table 74 shows that only 4% of
peasant households produced some other vegetable crop.
Table 71: Number of Dunums of Fotatoes by Agrarian Class
Duriuas Share- Farming- Cash Smali- Farming- Total
cropper Shepherd Tenant holder Landiord
Col. total 3 - - ~ _
Alex Pollock


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