Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 353)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 353)
harvesting less than 4 dunums were likely to do the bulk of
their harvesting manually by hand-held sickle and the
majority of their wheat production was used for household
subsistence consumption.
Table 76: Number of Dunums of Wheat by Agrarian Ciass
Dunums Share- Farming- Cash Small- Farming- Totai
cropper Shepherd Tenant hoider Landlord
1- 4 13 2 2 8 - 20
3-9 26 2 2 15 - 45
190 - 14 18 i 1 4 1 20
iS - 19 4 i 1 a 1 12
2O - 24 14 2 1 B - 20
Zu - 29 2 - - - ~ 2
30 - 34 10 - i 2 - 13
oa - 39 1 - ~ - - 1
40 - 44 5 - 1 3 1 10
45 - 49 1 - - - - 1
50 - 54 3 _ - 4 - 7
60 -— 64 2 - - - - 2
7O - 74 i ~ - 1 - 2
BO - 84 1 - - - 1 2
85 - 89 - 1 - 1 ~ 2
95 - 100 = - - - - =
Not ascert. i - - ~ ~ 1
Col. total 104 9 9 ol 4 177
There were differences in production patterns and land use
between the agrarian classes as 26% of sharecroppers, 15% of
farming-shepherds, 20% of cash tenants, 50% of smaliholders
and 29% of farming-landlords produced wheat. Smallholders are
relatively more important wheat producers than any other
agrarian group but in absolute terms they constituted only
29% of wheat producers. Sharecroppers were the most important
group of producers constituting 59% of all wheat producers.
vA 341
Alex Pollock


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