Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 355)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 355)
The data show that only 3% of peasant farmers grew other"
field crops and of these two-thirds were sharecroppers (see
Table 78). The spread of production of "other" field crops
ranged from 1-19 dunums with the area most commonly produced
being 10-14 dunums and average production being 9.9 dunums.
~- .
-2#0ie fo: Number of Dumums of Otner Field Crops by Aqrarian Class
Dunums share Farming- Cash Smali- Farming- Total
cropper Shepnerd Tenant holder Landlord
i - 4 3 - - - - 3
9-9 4 - - - 1 a
10 - 14 a - - 3 - 8
is - 19 2 1 - - - 3
Not ascert. - i - 1 - =
Col. total 14 2 - 4 1 DY
To summarize, field crops constitute 23% of productive land
use and are thus quite important in the overall agrarian
economy of the region, particularly for those farmers who
have restricted water supply for irrigation purposes and for
whom changeover to vegetable crop production is not possible
under the present circumstances. Wheat production accounts
for 78% of the total dunumage of field crops. Sharecroppers
constitute the most significant producers of field crops in
absolute terms although field crop production 18 relatively
more important among smallholders and farming-landlords.
343 Zh .
Alex Pollock


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