Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 358)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 358)
because of their subordination to merchant/usurer capital,
while farming-landlords obtain access to the market because
of their ability to act independently.
All agrarian groups most commonly exported between 50 —- 54%
of their crop. Sharecroppers exported more of their average
product than any other class, exporting 55% on average. While
cash tenants exported 38% on average, smallholders 40%,
farming-shepherds 42% and farming-landlords 50%. Moreover,
almost a third of sharecroppers (31%) exported 75% of their
Table 80: Percentage of Eagplant Exported oy Aqrarian Class
Fercentage Share- Farming-~ Cash Smail- Farming- Total
cropper Shepherd Tenant holder Landlord
None 108 2 1S BQ) 2 155
1-4 7 - - - - 7
5-9 15 - 1 1 - 17
19 - 14 20 i 2 1 3 z
15 - 19 is - ~ - - 15
2o - 24 2 ~ > ~ - 15
23 —- 29 10 1 1 _ 1 is
20 - 34 iS - 3 2 1 21 |
so - 39 - ~ - - - -
40 - 44 7 - - i - 8
45 - 49 2 - - 1 - 3 |
50 - 54 73 2 6 13 - 94
35 7 59 1 - - 1 - 2 |
60 — 64 q 1 - i 7 i
65 - 69 1 - _ _ - {
70 - 74 4 - ~ - - 4
75 - 79 3 ~ - - ” x!
BO - 84 8 - i - - 9
BS - 89 - ~ - - - -
90 - 94 2 - - - - 2
95 - 100 8 1 - - - 9
Not ascert. 11 - 2 1 - 14
Col. total 331 8 S32 rata 7 430
Alex Pollock


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