Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 373)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 373)
Isaeli military and government deem to be of supreme
strategic importance and thus an area in which Palestinian
human settlement should be discouraged and restricted. (7)
The necessity of squatting is also largely determined by
difficulties incurred in attempting to gain official
permission to construct permanent housing. It is almost
impossible for the majority of peasant farmers to get a
license from the military authorities to construct new
housing. Thus, even though the incomes of Palestinian farmers
are variable and of low annual value, lack of finance is not
the major factor determining the establishment of squatting
settlements and individual squats, although it most certainly
plays an important role in determining the poor quality and
generally low standards of squatting shelter stock which is
Thus, squatting must be seen as ultimately determined by the
enforcement of military orders which prohibit the peasantry
from building, improving or even repairing their houses
without prior approval from the military authorities. This
inhibits the geographic mobility of peasant farmers to the
Jordan Valley in search of farm tenure and may actually lead
to the departure of families from the region because of low
standards of housing and other amenities. While many people
apply for permission to construct new housing it 1s very
often not forthcoming, and when it is forthcoming it is often
used as a means of co-opting village groups and leaders under
the patronage of the military authorities in such a way that
these villages or groups of village residents become the
\ f
Alex Pollock


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