Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 385)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 385)
Marj Najeh (39%) and Frush Bet Dajan (40%). Only in Zbeidat
and ~Ain Shibli is it not the most common form of housing.
Stone construction is the most common form of housing
construction in Zbeidat where it accounts for a third of
housing stock. Stone constructions are not uncommon in
Bardala (21%) and Marj Najeh (23%). They are found less
frequently in other villages and indeed only 5% of the houses
in “Ain al Beda are constructed from stone.
Concrete and breeze block constructions are most common in
~Ain Shibli were they constitute 43% of houses, however, the
absolute numbers are small in this case. They are also found
quite frequently in Bardala (21%), Marj Najeh (36%), Zbeidat
(24%) and Frush Bet Dajan (25%). They are found very
infrequently in ~Ain al Beda and Jiftlik.
Jiftlik is the only village with a high proportion of
seasonal residents and squatters living in makeshift
shelters; here they constitute a fifth of the housing
population. However, shack dwellers are to be found in all
villages to some extent. Tent dwellers, who are most commonly
beduin shepherds, are also found in all villages but are most
common in “Ain Shibli, where they constitute a fifth of
Alex Pollock


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