Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 387)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 387)
Household Amenities
We can begin to gauge some idea of the poverty and
deprivation levels of the peasant households in the Valley by
looking at their lack of access to adequate household
amenities. For example, in all the villages studied, only 55%
of the housing population have any sort of kitchen facility
(see Table 87). This is much lower than the rest of the rural
sector of the West Bank as a whole, two-thirds of whom had
kitchen facilities in 1981. (12) In the region as a whole,
only 15% of households have kitchen facilities inside the
house itself and 43% of households have no kitchen facilities
Those houses which lack kitchen facilities are predominantly
one or two room constructions. In these households, the women
members of the household normally prepare the food ouside the
house, in the courtyard in the summer and on the floor of the
room used for sleeping and living accommodation in the
Winter. Food is normally cooked in one or two ways. Either it
is cooked on a one-ring kerosene primus stove or it 1s cooked
in the traditional taboon oven. The taboon oven is
constructed from clay and food is cooked ina fire which
covers the foodstuff with fuel and pebbles to help radiate
and maintain the heat. Bread is sometimes cooked on a beduin-—
style saaj, which is a convex metal griddle placed over an
open wood-fuel fire and over which a very thin dough is
Placed. This style of cooking produces a very light bread
which is found in most peasant communities throughout’ the
Third World, although the actual flour used may be very
Alex Pollock


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