Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 411)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 411)
illiteracy rates are quite clearly exceptionally high,
particularly for women. (3)
While these figures provide a useful base-line to examine
changing literacy patterns since this time, we are left with
the difficuit problem of how to assess comparative changes in
the rates of literacy longitudinally given the absence of an
adequate and accurate data resource base since that period.
(4) This stems from the fact that the Israeli military
authorities have not conducted a specific literacy census in
the West Bank and Gaza in the intervening period of military
occupation and colonial rule. As far as the authorities are
concerned, illiteracy is largely invisible and not seen as a
specific educational problem which needs to be addressed.
The fact that there are no official Israeli statistics
specifically concerned with measuring the rates of literacy
in the West Bank does not mean that we cannot make limited
use of data sources which were constructed for other
purposes. We can use these sources, but we have to approach
the results of such an exercise with extreme caution, since
the attempt to utilise existing official statistics entails
reconstructing them to deal with a problematic which they
were not designed to measure. Thus, the reconstructed data
can, at best, only be treated as a statistical approximation
to reality. This can best be shown by considering the
official data which can most appropriately be utilised to
shed some light on the extent of illiteracy.
Alex Pollock


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