Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 418)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 418)
The village level subjective literacy pattern in the majority
of villages largely conforms to the general pattern for the
adult village population as a whole. The majority of villages
have adult illiteracy rates of over 50% (see Table 103). The
three exceptions with adult subjective literacy rates of less
than 50% are ‘Ain al Beda (43%), Marj Najeh (30%) and Jiftlik
(47%) . The case of the significantly lower rate of subjective
llliteracy among the adult population in Marj Najeh is
particularly striking given the generally high rates overall.
It is possible that Marj Najeh has higher literacy rates than
the other villages because of direct long-term UNRWA
involvement in educational provision for the village. Marj
Najeh was originally established by UNRWA as ae refugee
village in 1956. None of the other villages, apart from
Zbeidat, have this status and it is not inconceivable that
UNRWA service and infrastructural provision are now making
themselves felt on the level of overall literacy levels
within the village community. This superiority is relatively
marked, all the more so given the almost total absence of
adequate government or private educational facilities for the
other villages in the region. However, UNRWA has nothing to
Table 95: Subjective Literacy by Gender
Read and Write? Male Female Total
Yes 913 480 1393
No 400 871 1271
Not ascertained 1 2 3
Column total 1314 1353 2667
Alex Pollock


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