Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 421)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 421)
they are unable to read and write. Thus, instead of the
claimed male illiteracy rate of 30% we find an objective rate
of 42%. While there is not the same social pressures on women
to exaggerate the extent of their literacy, since it is
normally concomitantly accepted as an aspect of their lower
social status and general gender subordination, we still find
that the subjective female illiteracy response rate of 64%
rises to 71% when measured objectively.
Also, the aggregate subjective illiteracy response rate of
52% should be upgraded to 57% when measured objectively.
Thus, the objective illiteracy rates for the region as a
whole are very high and comparabie with some of the poorer
African and Asian countries. This is hardly an acceptable
standard in a region which has a much higher per capita
"foreign aid” input than the poorer African and Asian states.
If we allow that these figures are generally accurate, we
should note that there are no post-school or adult education
programmes operating in the region which would radically
alter the inferences from this general "objective" measure.
Table 97 shows that only 24 persons (less than 1% of the
adult population) learned to read and write outside school;
17 men learned to read and write in koranic reading classes
(kuttab) in the mosque, 4 women learned to read and write
through attendance at a literacy programme and 3 others (2
men and 1 woman) learned to read and write in some other
unspecified context.
veh, 411
Alex Pollock


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