Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 422)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 422)
Table 97: Place of Learning Outside School by Sex
Method Male Female Total
Kuttab 17 -° 17
Literacy programme _ 4 4
Other 2 1 3
Not ascertained 4 1 5
Column total 23 6 29
If we now consider the revised objective village level
literacy rates, we find that the objective illiteracy rate in
Bardala is 63% not 52%, in 'Ain al Beda 53% not 43%, in Marj
Najeh 41% not 30%, in Zbeidat 62% not 55%, in Jiftlik 56% not
47%, in Frush Bet Dajan 63% not 52% and in 'Ain Shibli 64%
not 60%. Thus, the subjective statements of illiteracy rates
underestimate the objective illiteracy status by a factor of
9% on average (see Table 98). This means that in all villages
except Marj Najeh the general village adult illiteracy rates
are above 50%. Moreover, in the majority of villages they are
above 60%. Even by conservative standards these figures are
deplorably high.
From the previous two sections of this chapter, which were
largely statistical descriptions of the extent of the
illiteracy problem, I have established the fact that
illiteracy is an endemic structural problem. This problem is
exacerbated by numerous educational and cultural factors.
JF, 412
Alex Pollock


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