Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 424)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 424)
Working on the basis of the reconstruction of the official
data, I estimate that there was a population of between
109,885 - 213,573 illiterate adults in the West Bank in
1983. Of this population between 27,828 — 82,248 persons were
male and between 80,509 —- 129,766 were female. (10) In the
north Jordan Valley there were 1520 illiterate adults during
the same period, 556 of whom were male and 964 of whom were
The majority of literacy classes which do exist are directed
toward women. In 1980 there were only 30 male literacy
classes in the West Bank and by 1982 the majority of these
had closed down and only seven classes continued to operate,
all of which were centred in Hebron. (11) The literacy
classes which are run for women are normally run by
charitable associations, e.g. In'Ash al Usra, womens’ unions,
the Union of Charitable Societies and a number of
experimental classes operated by the Birzeit Literacy Unit.
Normally the teachers have not had specialised training in
literacy teaching. The work of literacy teaching has’ been
largely left to develop in an ad_hoc manner. So far there has
been no attempt to integrate programmes and provide
specialised professional training in literacy and adult
education. The exception to this is the programme in the
Adult Education and Literacy Office at Birzeit University.
However, this facility is largely undeveloped and still in
the early stages of evolution and the staff have so far not
received the kind of in-service training and staff
development which could lead it to become a centre of
414 veh,
Alex Pollock


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