Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 425)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 425)
excellence and a central focus for directing literacy and
adult education work in the West Bank and Gaza. One of the
major problems facing this institution is that literacy has
not been given a high priority in terms of national politics
and thus it has been unable to draw on the resources, finance
and “aid" which is available to other national institutions
and centres.
In this section I will attempt to raise some basic issues on
the problem of illiteracy "eradication" which relates’ the
issue of literacy to a wider concern encompassing both
deve lopment and political consciousness-raising. This
approach stands in stark opposition to those approaches which
view literacy solely as a mechanical problem of the technical
mastery of the written word and numeracy. The problem with
such traditional programmes is that they have a very limited
vision of what literacy is for. Very often there is an
unbridgeable disjuncture between literacy and wider adult
educational programmes which attempt to include vocational
training in employment skills and ae broader cultural
education in a more extensive educational field beyond the
basic skills of reading, writing and numeracy. In traditional
approaches to literacy, which are divorced from a wider adult
educational component, making the illiterate "literate" is
often seen as the end of a process rather than the beginning
of a continuing educational process which attempts to equip
Students with the skills and education for living in a
changing cultural and economic environment. One is left
wondering what becomes of those men and women, normally older
415 ‘ mn vA !
Alex Pollock


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