Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 432)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 432)
particularly finishing off commodities in the textiles
industry. If this did present a major problem in meeting
functional literacy programmes for women, it would be
possible to develop alternative functional literacy
programmes around such women centred issues as family and
child health and household production for income generation.
It would also be wise to take note of the criticism that such
programmes could result in increased underdevelopment and
integration of Palestinian workers into the Israeli economy
if such projects met the labour market demands of the Israeli
labour market rather than providing a workforce for a "self-
reliant" Palestinian economy. This whole issue is a very
complex one in the context of colonialism. In the context of
"developing countries” generally, Carol and Lars Berggren
suggest that one of the functions of functional literacy is
"to make people become more efficient and productive citizens
and workers under prevailing governments." (18) A much
clearer critique of functional literacy based on its
commensurablity with the interests and desires of Third World
national bourgeoisies and international business interests in
creating a pliant and skilled working class, is to be found
in the work of Barbara Bee who argues that:
Functional literacy is more a donation to the
people, a creation by experts which is handed down
to a selected groups to serve a definite purpose.
The educational contents and methods are adapted to
keep the participants ata level which donors
consider desirable. Its originators are often
closely allied to private business enterprises
which have financial interests in developing
422 Zh
Alex Pollock


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