Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 434)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 434)
dependent upon the political and economic context in which
literacy programmes are undertaken rather than in the
approach per se. Ideally, literacy should be composed of both
practical and cultural elements. It should attempt to
maintain a balance in terms of the "science-culture”
Gichotomy and not be established on the basis of narrow
technical skills.
The second approach to illiteracy eradication which starts
from quite a different set of principles is the work of Paulo
Freire. (20) Freire is a Brazilian adult educationalist who
established radical literacy programmes among the peasantry
of the Brazilian North-east. (21) This region was among the
most backward and underdeveloped region of the country. (22)
For Freire, iiteracy education is perceived as a tool at the
forefront of the political struggles of the powerless against
the powerful. In this context Freirian literacy projects are
always grounded in concrete realities of specific communities
and their historical struggles. In the Brazilian North-east
Freire based literacy around and in the struggles faced by
the North-east peasantry in their situation of economic
exploitation and political and ideological domination.
Freirian literacy programmes begin from the basic premise
that literacy education is not about reading and writing
per se but about developing pedagogic methods which help
people to think critically in order that they can reflect
upon and analyse the cultural milieu in which they exist.
This, of course, involves the formation of reading and
Alex Pollock


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