Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 437)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 437)
relationships in which they are exploited and oppressed. The
strategy is designed to create literacy while students
critically question their own existential situation. For
Freire the purpose of literacy is not merely to name the
world but to change it.
It is clear from this basic outline that this approach to
literacy is also a means of mobilisation and communication
through which the poor and illiterate begin to understand in
a literary concise manner the reasons for their existential
Situations. This being the case, it also provides them with
the communication skills and consciousness to wish to change
this situation. The activist component of Freirian literacy
programmes has a great deal to offer nationalist development
and political strategies. (23)
This is no less true for the Occupied Territories. In the
context of peasant communities in the Occupied Territories it
would be potentially possible to conduct a programme based on
Freirian techniques. The political benefits of such a
programme in terms of wider nationalist consciousness-raising
hardly needs to be stated. However, a strategy based on
Freirian pedagogy and curricula is liable to be opposed by
the military authorities who have no wish to see an upsurge
in peasant nationalist consciousness. (24) Nor would such a
strategy be appealing to Palestinian landlords, commission
agents) or the Jordanian authorities who have no wish to see
peasants and workers reflecting upon the mechanics of their
exploitation and oppression, let alone reaching a level of
UF 427
Alex Pollock


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