Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 444)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 444)
are, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, (London, 1972), Education:
The Practice of Freedom, (London, 1976), The Politics of
Education, (London, 1985), and, Pedagogy in Process, (London,
1978) .
22. See, Paulo Freire, Education: The Practice of Freedom
(London, 1976), pp. 48-58.
23. The clearest example we have of Freirian methods being
used to explicitly foster nationalist consciousness and the
promotion of socialist reconstruction is the case of Guinea-
Bissau in the period of post-colonial rule. Freire, as head
of the Department of Education of the World Council of
Churches, worked in and advised the Guinea-Bissauean literacy
campaign with the Institute For Cultural Action during 1975.
For details, see, Paulo Freire, Pedagogy in Process, (London,
24. In fact, the Israeli military authorities during the
early 1980's attempted to utilise the "peasant factor"
against Palestinian nationalism through the creation of the
"Village Leagues" in an attempt to by-pass the patronage and
support of PLO-funding. According to Salim Tamari this was an
attempt to use the weakest link in post-1976 nationalist
hegemony by attempting to "storm the radical towns with
reactionary peasants", which he very appropriately termed Lin
Piao's Maoist theory in reverse. See, Salim Tamari, "Israel's
Search For A Native Pillar: The Village Leagues", in Naseer
Aruri, Occupation: Israel Over Palestine, (London, 1984), pp.
Alex Pollock


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