Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 449)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 449)
agricultural extension agent was seen as an essential
educational and technical catalyst who would introduce
extrinsic knowledge of new techniques, mew plant varieties,
machinery and equipment, ecological factors, farm management,
cost efficient resource allocation and improved budgetary
techniques. The model assumed that peasants could improve
their productivity and income only through a combination of
the adoption of better farm management, scientific techniques
and relatively capital intensive farming. (7)
Participatory Democracy?
The socio-political element in the community development
strategy attempted to establish village level institutions
which were bounded by minimal forms of democratic
participation in which the village community could express
their “felt needs". It was hoped that by setting up a village
level grass roots framework, the village would become more
self-reliant in meeting local needs. In order for such an
approach to operate effectively it was deemed necessary for a
specially trained animateur to be placed in the village to
act as a catalyst who "... would guide and assist villagers
in identifying their felt needs into village development
plans and finally implementing these plans —- always working
through the active village leaders." (8)
By and large, the community development strategy failed to
meet both its technical and socio-political goals. On the
technical side, the diffusionist model of technological
440 3 aan
Alex Pollock


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