Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 452)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 452)
crisis was through the development of higher yielding
varieties of crop. The outcome of this strategy was the so-
called Green Revolution. (13)
The Green Revolution strategy, as it became known, was
essentially a technologically determined agricultural]
development strategy. As such, it was not particularly
interested in the social aspects of agricultural development.
The underlying logic of this model assumed that the greatest
hope for solving the Third World food crisis lay, not in
mere ly transferring western models of technology and
agricultural extension to the Third World, but, in developing
Third World agriculture through sustained programmes of
scientific biological and technological] research. (14)
The impetus for the widespread adoption of the Green
Revolution strategy was established in Mexico at the (largely
United States staffed) Office of Special Studies (05S). (15)
This programme was funded by US-AID and the Rockerfeller
Foundation. The operational goal of the OSS was "... to
quickly obtain a large increase in national wheat production.
All other concerns were to be subordinated to this general
goal." (16) The general purpose was to achieve Mexican self-
sufficiency in wheat production.
OSS made important scientific advances through increasing the
yield potential of a series of wheat varieties. This higher
Alex Pollock


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