Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 453)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 453)
yield potential was only achieved when accompanied by other
elements in a combined "technological package”. This
technological package was a causal production-efficiency
module which operated on plant biology through the natural
process of photosynthesis. The package consisted of three
biochemical innovations and one essential mechanical
innovation, although it was possible to combine the package
with various levels of agricultural mechanisation. The
biochemical innovations consisted of, first, improved plant
selection, breeding and hybridization which increased
potential crop yield per plant and second, organic
fertilizers, which were used as a means of increasing the
nutrient content of the soil. This was important since higher
nutrient levels were a necessary chemical component if the
new varieties were to attain their full yield potential.
Third, the extensive use of pesticides was necessary to
control weeds and insects. Weeds in particular compete with
plants for space, water, nutrients and sunlight which are the
key elements in the process of photosynthesis. Last, the
important mechanical innovations were improved water and
drainage techniques which linked water-use to optimum
efficiency in the development of the plant. (17)
Considered from the macro-economic level of national account
statistics, the Green Revolution strategy achieved
spectacular results. During the 1940's, for example, Mexico
was importing about 50% of the national foodgrain requirement
and was not exporting any grain at all. Yet by the 1960's,
after the introduction of the Green Revolution, more than 12%
UA. 444
Alex Pollock


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