Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 454)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 454)
of all the wheat and maize being produced were exported and
the level of foodgrain imports fell to insignificant
levels. (18)
The spectacular success in Mexico resulted in the export of
the Green Revolution strategy to India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka,
Malaysia, Tunisia and the Philippines during the early
1970's. The success of the new varieties of wheat led to the
establishment of other specialised international research
institutes, such as CIMMYT (Wheat Improvement Centre), Crops
Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics and IRRI (Rice
Research Institute). Improved varieties of rice quickly
followed the new varieties of wheat. In recent years we have
seen Similar techniques being introduced for vegetable
production, as the new varieties of tomatoes and eggplants
now used in West Bank agriculture highlight. (19)
At first sight, at least seen through national production
accounts, the Green Revolution strategy appears to be a
powerful new policy instrument which would allow government
and non-government agencies to resolve the world food crisis
resulting in national food self-sufficiency for the great
number of Third World countries. However, most recent micro-
level studies, in the countries which were subjected to the
sweep of the Green Revolution strategy, show that the
strategy has been much less successful - in human terms at
least -— than aggregate analysis points to. While there has
certainly been a significant increase in production (and this
growth is expected to continue in the future), the benefits
an 445
Alex Pollock


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