Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 455)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 455)
of increased production and income have been extremely
unevenly distributed. (20)
In most of the countries where the Green Revolution strategy
was adopted, government policy was not geared to making sure
that the rural poor and marginal peasant groupings benefitted
from its implementation. The general result has been that the
rich peasantry, landlords and urban merchant groups have been
the direct beneficiaries of the Green Revolution strategy.
The actual manner in which these different groups have
benefitted varies from country to country and even from
Village to village. However, I think we can outline some
general patterns of why these groups benefit, rather than the
peasantry as a whole.
The rich peasant normally has at her/his disposal greater
financial resources and thus is able to purchase all the
elements of the Green Revolution technological package. S/he
normally has access to a greater quantity and better quality
of land and is thus more able to benefit from economies of
scale which are not available to the smaller peasant farmer.
Rich peasants are generally more literate and therefore have
better and more immediate access to knowledge of new
techniques and changing patterns of market demand structures.
The rich peasant normally has few problems in gaining access
to institutional credit, while the poorer peasant farmer,
because of her/his lack of asset endowment, will be more
likely to seek non-institutional and extremely usurious
forms of credit, e.g. through money lenders, landlords and
Alex Pollock


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