Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 457)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 457)
inputs at high rates of interest, for example at higher rates
than they would have to pay a local co-operative if they had
access to credit from this source. (23)
All of these agrarian class factors can, and most commonly
do, mitigate against the increased rewards from improved
productivity of the Green Revolution technology accruing to
the peasantry. The previous chapters of this thesis have
demonstrated a number of these elements operating in the
context of the agrarian economy of the north Jordan Valley.
There are other factors which can intercede against the
interest of the peasantry. For example, the Green Revolution
strategy tends to involve specialization in one or two crops
and this tends to push the peasantry into wholly market
dominated agricultural production. This is often accompanied
by a move away from household subsistence production. Thus,
the peasant comes under the total sway of market forces and
even household food consumption is now purchased in the
market rather than produced on the farm. Specialisation also
means that climatic and ecological problems can take on the
force not merely of a seasonal set back but of an unmitigated
disaster. In a bad season, either brought about by marketing,
climatic or ecological change, if the peasant is unable to
sell or harvest her/his crops then s/he may not have enough
cash income to purchase the household food requirement and
s/he may have no household based production to see her/him
through to the next season. (24)
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Alex Pollock


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