Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 461)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 461)
concrete basic needs strategy would look like and consist of.
To my knowledge we do not as yet have a successful working
model of a basic needs strategy in operation. (28)
The basic needs strategy certainly incorporates, at an
ideological level at least, a progressive element which
previous development strategies did not concern themselves
with, 1.€. a concern with the impact of social change on the
lives and living conditions of the poor. However, the
emphasis placed on this aspect varies from agency to agency.
For example, the World Bank, although expressing a commitment
to the basic needs concept and commissioning a number of
reports on basic needs, holds an extremely restricted and
conservative interpretation of basic needs. Indeed, only a
marginal proportion of the World Bank's development funds are
spent on projects and programmes which are designed along the
lines of a basic needs strategy. The majority of the World
Bank's biggest aid recipients ~—- Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico,
the Philippines and South Korea - are not widely known for
development policies which favour the poorer sectors of their
communities. The World Bank has often provided loans to some
of the most repressive regimes in the world, e.g. the
Pinochet regime in Chile and the Mobutu regime in Zaire. Yet,
at the same time, the World Bank has been extremely
restricted in granting loans to governments -—- such as
Nicaragua, Cuba, Angola, Vietnam and Mozambique - which are
quite clearly committed to eradicating poverty in their own
countries. The World Bank and its sister agencies are clearly
bent on pursuing strategies which are capitalistic in
ve 452
Alex Pollock


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