Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 465)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 465)
this is contrary to their governments’ foreign policy. This
would normally be done in an indirect way, although it has
not been above the British government, to give one example,
to refer organisations to the "charity laws" which prohibit
charitable organisations from openly working with (left-wing)
political organisations. (36)
Leaving aside the special case of some of the US NGO's (the
Ford Foundation, for example), the NGO's of most western
countries do not work directly with or directly toward their
own governments' interests in the Third World. They are not
an agency of their government. The relationship between NGO's
and their respective national governments is a contradictory
relationship. Where government-to-government and World Bank
type assistance programmes represent the harsher reality of
imperial exploitation and capital resource transfer to the
developed nations, the NGO type aid has a ‘“missionising"
factor centred around the idea of human resource development
with a "people orientation". The one side emphasises profit
and trade, while the other side emphasises human welfare.
While these two elements would appear to be in a_ continual
state of ideological conflict the appearance is deceptive.
The human content of NGO aid represents a positive picture of
the developed countries which often obscures’ the real
imperialist relationship of surplus extraction and resource
transfer. Moreover, the "autonomous" nature of the NGO's
often allows them to make indirect contact with groups on
behalf of their governments with whom their governments have
no formal diplomatic contact. (37)
456 : ef,
Alex Pollock


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