Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 472)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 472)
meantime, through experience in concrete institutional
structures and production units, just exactly what such a
state would be attempting to achieve ina generalised way.
There is nothing utopian in this. It may be difficult to
achieve, as the failure rate of such experiments shows, but
there is nothing inherently utopian in such an approach. It
does require an intense amount of personnel, financial,
intellectual and mora! input which has not been encouraged in
contemporary socialist movements dominated by the social
democratic and Leninist traditions. On a personal level I
feel that both social democracy's and Leninism's rejection of
the political and intellectual entrepreneurship which is
necessary to create such an alternative has culturally and
morally emaciated the struggle for socialism in both the west
and the Third World.
It igs necessary for a vibrant socialist movement to
continually develop and explore this prefigurative dimension
of social relationships. This is no less true for a socialist
agrarian development movement. While it is not possible to
lay down a concrete programme for such a movement, I think we
have brought out enough concrete details in this study of the
social relations in the agrarian sector of the region, in
order to outline some of the major concerns. At the level of
international relations, the movement will try to highlight
and explain the inter-relatedness of the problem of
underdevelopment and dependency. It would explain, for
example, that although financial and technological transfers
from the developed capitalist countries might at first sight
463 ae
Alex Pollock


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