Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 480)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 480)
selective set of empirical data tends to replace the
application of a theory to a concrete context. Logic replaces
history or logical determination replaces real determination.
In order to resolve these issues on a methodological level, I
attempted to critique both rationalist and empiricist
epistemology from the position developed by epistemological
realism. Realism develops a set of methodological protocols
which attempts to do equal justice to both theory (the
transitive domain) and concrete research (the intransitive
domain) in scientific discourse. These protocols are
developed to apply theory to concrete research agendas.
In this thesis I have attempted to replicate this process by
laying down a research agenda for the application of a
realist interpretation of the key concepts of the debate over
the articulation of modes of production. This entailed
reinterpreting the key concepts of the debate in a manner in
which they could be applied to an analysis of the Palestinian
peasantry in the north Jordan Valley.
The first point of reinterpretation was to criticise both
global structuralism and formalism. The global structuralist
position is outlined most clearly in the work of Alavi and to
a lesser extent in the works of Banaji and Bettelheim. The
global structuralist has a theoretical tendency to subsume
the different levels of causality in the social formation to
the general tendencies generated from the capitalist mode of
production, i.e. there is a tendency to explain events and
471 - v4 1
Alex Pollock


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