Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 527)
- عنوان
- Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 527)
- المحتوى
Capt SILT yg cl aaa ge od ee TES OF pet ttl ULLSUL, Ue —y.
A appt ig FdeeIl y pdt ole ele Mb! GndrS os preset ltsat, Je —1}
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S$ Lypattbs Ql tel syt ol dl, oda! Gs ls ory
Latteael Sol $ dnel yy what yf claws , obsbe LI VJ! Deans Je —-TT
$ Lypred col ‘alas Gol 5S J! ,
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edaas gatl 55 J!
To oeetlost owst wt, Whlesl Jou tL. 18
518 - تاريخ
- ١٩٨٧
- المنشئ
- Alex Pollock
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