Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 553)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 553)
Palestinian peasant farmers is particularly marked. This is
brought out quite clearly in the 1978 report by the Military
Government Department of Agriculture, which shows that:
“1. Total number of artesian wells in the West Bank
is 331, of which 17 have been drilled by the
Israeli water company (Mekerot) in the Jordan
Valley to serve Israeli settlements in the area.
2. 12 Arab wells have dried up after occupation.
Many others in the Jordan Valley (mostly in the
northern part) are suffering a declining water
table and increased salinity.
3. Total volume of water discharged from 314 Arab
wells amounted in 1977/78 to 33.0 million cubic
metres (mcm.). Whereas 17 Israeli wells in the
Jordan Valley have discharged in the same season
14.1 mcm." (4) .
During this period Israeli wells, which account for only 5%
of the wells in the West Bank, produced the equivalent of 44%
of the total volume of all Palestinian wells. However, the
issue 1s not merely a quantitative one. The impact of these
Israeli wells has to be gauged against the fact that these
wells are much deeper and use much more ' powerful electric
pumps than the Palestinian equivalents. In the Jordan Valley,
in particular, the impact of these deep Israeli wells on the
local peasant farmers has been very dramatic. As the Israeli
Military Government Department of Agriculture admits in its
1978 report, the water table in the northern Valley has been
declining and there is a corresponding increase in
groundwater salinity. Ibrahim Matar has shown that this
process has also occured in the southern Jordan Valley around
the Jericho area "... where the salinity of the water being
pumped from pre-1967 Arab wells has increased noticeably in
the last three years."(5) The most widely reported and best
Alex Pollock


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