Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 554)


Realist Methodology and the Articulation of Modes of Production (ص 554)
documented case of the impact of these deep Israeli wells on
local peasant agriculture occured in the village of al-Auja
whose natural spring dried up in 1979 after a deep Israeli
well had been drilled near to the source of the village
spring. When this happened the village lost the whole of the
season's crop and many citrus trees became petrified. (6)
Palestinian wells in the Jordan Valley are limited to a depth
of 100 metres while Israeli wells range from 300-500 metres
in depth. This means that the water supply used by Israeli
kibbutzim and moshavim in the region is not subject to the
same problem of the falling water table which affects
Palestinian farmers. Neither are they plagued to the same
degree by the problem of ground-water salinity. Moreover,
Palestinian wells are only allowed to produce specific quotas
of water while Israeli farmers have unrestricted supplies of
water. All Palestinian wells in the region are officially
metered by the military government and farmers are fined very
heavily for exceeding their water quota.
Thus, peasant farmers in the Jordan Valley have had to make
do with existing water resources and they have not been
allowed to extend these resources since 1967. In fact, due to
a number of factors — the destruction of numerous artesian
wells during the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, debarred access to
the Jordan River as a source of agricultural water supply for
security reasons and the lower water table - the water
resources in the region are probably less now than they were
before 1967. However, the demand for water for agricultural
ve. 545
Alex Pollock


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